Gerry Haase
Gerard Haase-Dubosc (Gerry Haase to his friends) met Chögyam Trungpa in 1972 at Tail of the Tiger (renamed Karmê Chöling in 1974). Having trained in the Buddhist and Shambhala paths he held various administrative positions as well as serving as the Director of the Montreal Dharmadhatu and later the St. Johnsbury Shambhala Center.
Born in France and raised in a bilingual family he is keenly attuned to the immigrant experience. He founded the Burlington Tibetan Resettlement Project in Burlington, VT which has grown into a community of over 150 members. He was recently called upon to support a Ukrainian family now living in Vermont.
Gerry has been a student of Taoist Qigong since 2007 and coordinates Qigong programs at Karmê Chöling.
In his professional career, he has been a successful real estate broker and investor. Wishing to help support Buddhist retreats in the years to come Gerry decided to found Friends of Tail of the Tiger in recognition of all the ways the dharma has enriched his life.